The Washington Post
Monday, March 5, 1990
By Kate Rivers

Presented in recital yesterday by Young Concert Artists, pianist Eduardus Halim programmed a taxing combination of works with which to dazzle his Kennedy Center terrace Theater audience.  The Indonesian born musician showed a flair for romantic repertoire that can exhaust the techniques and musicality of many young talents.

Halim opened with Schumann's magnificent C Major Fantasia, Op. 17, a towering work full of technical and poetic complexities.  The fantasia seemed as though it might be new to Halim, as he appeared to be testing some details of pedaling and his touch was not entirely even or exacting.  Yet from an emotional standpoint, the pianist was completely settled and sure of himself, able to communicate a weighty concept of the work.  Here his playing was highly polished and reflective of a thorough musical understanding.

The remainder of the program was beautifully tailored from all angles.  Scriabin's futuristic Sonta No. 9 and the two sets of etudes flanking the intermission – Scriabin's Op. 65 and Chopin's Op. 25 – were concisely and handsomely delivered.  Halim embraced the pianistic quality of the Scriabin with consummate skill and achieved a striking tone and coloration throughout.  The Chopin was lyrical and fluid, with elegant finger work and fine artistic carriage.